- Visit Date
- 2024-09-17
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Periodic
Child Care Locator
Find licensed child care in Oklahoma
- Accepts Subsidy
- Year Round
- Daytime Hours
5 Star Level Program
- Monday
- 6:00AM - 6:30PM
- Tuesday
- 6:00AM - 6:30PM
- Wednesday
- 6:00AM - 6:30PM
- Thursday
- 6:00AM - 6:30PM
- Friday
- 6:00AM - 6:30PM
- Saturday
- Sunday
Ages Accepted
- Infants (0-11 months)
- Toddlers (12-23 months; 1yr.)
- Preschool (24-48 months; 2-4 yrs.)
- School-age (5 years-older)
Total Capacity
Monitoring Visits in the past 3 yearsOklahoma Human Services Licensing Specialist
Licensing specialists monitor child care programs and provide resources. Parents can reach out to them if they have concerns regarding their child's programs.Licensing History
Listed below are the non-compliances OBSERVED during a visit. The regulation, its description, the non-compliance observed according to the regulation and a plan of corrective action are all provided.- Visit Date
- 2024-08-09
- Visit Type
- Partial
- Purpose of Visit
- Follow Up
- Visit Date
- 2024-07-29
- Visit Type
- Partial
- Purpose of Visit
- Complaint
- Visit Date
- 2024-05-22
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Periodic
- 1 Assistant teacher had sole responsibility of a group of children for more than 3 hours.
- SERIOUS-One classroom was not in ratio when Licensing arrived.
- Serious-When licensing arrived, one staff member was in the kitchen leaving her classroom unsupervised.
- Staff member was in kitchen with 2 infants.
- When licensing arrived the kitchen had multiple dish tubs filled with dirty dishes.
- Fence has 2 loose boards and 4 broken boards.
- Visit Date
- 2024-04-29
- Visit Type
- Partial
- Purpose of Visit
- Other
- Visit Date
- 2024-04-17
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Periodic
- Visit Date
- 2023-12-19
- Visit Type
- Partial
- Purpose of Visit
- Follow Up
- Visit Date
- 2023-12-18
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Complaint
- When licensing arrived at the program, a staff member was inside leaving another staff member on the playground with 18 children ages 3 and up. There were four 3 year olds.
- Visit Date
- 2023-10-13
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Permit
- Visit Date
- 2023-08-24
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Permit
- Visit Date
- 2023-06-16
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Permit
- Visit Date
- 2023-05-11
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Permit
- Visit Date
- 2023-03-10
- Visit Type
- Full
- Purpose of Visit
- Application
- Visit Date
- 2023-01-24
- Visit Type
- Partial
- Purpose of Visit
- Inquiry
Substantiated Complaint Summary
Since 2023-12-13Complaint Date
Allegation Findings
Discipline & Behavior guidance "Teacher do not discipline children the same based on who the parents are."
Supervision-SERIOUS-"Due to a lack of supervision, an infant was bruised on the face when hit by another child with equipment."
Parent Communication: "Parents are not notified when a child needs items at daycare in a timely manner."
Additional Non-Compliance Found During Investigation: Discipline/ Behavior & Guidance-Staff members yell or use harsh tones with children.
Complaint Date
Allegation Findings
Ratios-Classrooms are left out of ratio.
Supervision-Staff members leave their classroom unattended.
Additional Non-Compliance Found During Investigation: Supervision- SERIOUS-A child was left unattended on the playground.
Additional Non-Compliance Found During Investigation: Reporting-Program did not report a child left on the unsupervised on the playground to licensing by the next business day.
Reach out to this provider
Samantha BannonDirector
STROUD, OK 74079